
Dr. Faria Rabbi

Assistant Professor
+880 132 1199 061
Faculty and Department Affiliation

Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Business Administration

Degrees and Universities Attended

PhD,  SEGi  University,  Malaysia

MBA  (Major  in  Finance)  American  International  University-Bangladesh  (AIUB),  Bangladesh.

BBA  (Major  in  Finance),  Northern  University,  Bangladesh.

Short Introduction

Dr. Faria Rabbi is an Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management at the Department of Business Administration, City University, Bangladesh. Besides teaching, she is also working as Director of HR for the City University. She has twelve articles published in International Journals and presented two Conference papers in international conference. Most of the research papers are concentrated on quantitative methods. She was awarded her Ph.D. with a concentration in Human Resource Management from SEGi University, Malaysia. Besides her academics and directorship involvement, she used to give training sessions. She successfully trained professionals in Stress Management and Conflict Management. She presently is working on the project ‘Impact of Climatic Change on labor productivity in emerging countries' metropolitan centers.’ Her research areas are Human psychology, Job burnout, job satisfaction, ethics, etc.

Teaching experience

• Assistant  Professor  (HRM)
City  University,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh,  (September  2021  to  till  now)
• Senior  Lecturer  (HRM)
Northern  University  Bangladesh,  Dhaka,  Bangladesh  (June  2019  –  August  2021)

Research Interest

• Talent  management  
• Organizational  Commitment  
• Entrepreneurial  Leadership
• Higher  Education
• Organizational  Support  and  Corporate  Entrepreneurship
• Customer  Satisfaction  
• Consumer  Behavior
• Organizational  Support
• Job  Satisfaction  


• Google  Scholar  profile:
• ResearchGate  Profile:
• Academia  Profile:
• LinkedIn:


1. Rabbi.  F,  Ahad.  N,  Kousar  and  Ali.  T  (2015),  ‘Talent  management  as  a  source  of  competitive  advantage’,  Journal  of  Asian  Business  Strategy,  5(9),  pp.  208–214.  
2. Rabbi.  F,  Kimiya.  F,  and  Farrukh.  M  (2015).  The  impact  of  job  satisfaction,  perceived  availability  of  job  alternative  on  turnover  intention.  Journal  for  Studies  in  Management  and  Planning,  1(11),  pp.  319-328.    
3. Zandi.  G,  and  Rabbi.  F,  (2015).  The  Tax  Evasion  and  Compliance:  An  Exploratory  Study  on  Malaysian  Tax  Payers.  International  Journal  of  Humanities  and  Social  Science  Research,  1(1),  pp.8-13.
4. Rabbi.  F,  Zandi,  G.  R.  And  Farrukh,  M,  (2015).  The  impact  of  knowledge  management  infrastructure  and  process  on  university  performance,  SEGi  review  1(9).
5. Saeed,  A.,  Syed,  N.,  and  Rabbi,  F.  (2015).  The  impact  of  organizational  Justice  on  job  burnout.  Scholars  Journal  of  Economics,  Business  and  Management,  2(5),  pp.519-522.
6. Khurshid,  M.  K,  Kashif,  M.  Rabbi,  F.  and  Ali,  T.  (2015).  Organizational  Support  and  Corporate  Entrepreneurship:  Theory  Recapitulation,  Australian  Journal  of  Basic  and  Applied  Sciences  9  (27),  pp.  164-167.
7. Omer.  N.,  Ahmed,  A.,  Rabbi,  F.,  Farrukh,  M.,  &  Waheed,  A.  (2016).  Role  of  empowerment  and  leadership  in  turnover  intentions  among  the  Generation  Y  academicians  in  Saudi  Arabian  Higher  Educational  Institutes.  Journal  for  Studies  in  Management  and  Planning,  01(11),  pp.719-733.
8. Ahmed,  N,  Farrukh,  M.  and  Rabbi,  F.  (2016).  Knowledge  Sharing  Willingness  Through  the  Lens  of  Social  Psychology  Theories.  African  Journal  of  Science  and  Research,  (5)2,  pp.1-3.
9. Selvanthan,  M.,  Nadarajan,  D.,  Yee,  Y.,  Rabbi,  F.  (2016),  Credit  Card  Debt  in  Kota  Damansara,  Selangor:  An  Investigation  of  Credit  Card  Debt  Determinants  and  Factors,  International  Journal  of  Human  Resource  Studies  6  (3).
10. Selvanthan,  M.,  Vighnesvaran,  R.,  Teng,  V.,  Rabbi,  F.  (2017),  Internet  Banking  Challenges  among  Customers  in  Selangor,  Malaysia,  International  Journal  of  Human  Resource  Studies  6  (3).
11. Daofeng.  Q,  Supramaniam.  M,  Rabbi.  F,  Di.  B,  Fei.  W,  (2019).  The  Impact  of  Seller’s  attitude  on  Buyers  Intention  in  China,  International  Journal  of  Innovation,  Creativity  and  Change,  7  (10),  pp.1-16.
12. Di.  B,  Daofeng.  Q,  Supramaniam.  M,  Rabbi.  F,  (2021),  1.  Work  Quality  among  China  Police  towards  Customer  Satisfaction,  Systematic  Review  in  Pharmacy,  12  (1),  pp.242-253.

1. Rabbi.  F,  Selvanthan,  M,  Supramaniam.  M,  BC  Yin-Fah,  (2019).  Impact  of  Human  resource  Practice  in  Organizational  Commitment:  Case  Study  in  Higher  Learning  Institution  in  Bangladesh,  ICMIR  2019:  Russia.
2. Rahman.  S,    Haque.  A.  Rabbi.  F,  Huda,  N.  and  Mubasher.  R.  (2021),  in  CSR  in  Healthcare  by  the  Banking  Sector:  The  case  of  Bangladesh.  IOU  Conference  on  Research  and  Integrated  Sciences,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaysia.
Executive  Editor  of  Journal  Business  Technology  (JBT),  Northern  University,  Bangladesh.  (May  2020  –  August  2021).  

Other  Achievements
1. Short  course  (Online)  on  Public  Relations,  eLearning  College.
2. Short  course  (Online)  on  Human  resources:  recruitment  and  selection,  The  Open  University,  UK.
3. Workshop  done  on  Structural  Equation  Modeling  Modeling  (SEM)  using  AMOS  from  University  Teknologi  Malaysia,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaysia.
4. Attended  Seminar  on  GST-  Treatment  for  Retailing  arranged  by  Persatuan  Pegawai  Kanan  Kastam  Malaysia.
5. Training  on  Partial  Least  Squares  using  SmartPLS2,  conducted  by  Panolopy  Consultancy,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaysia.
6. Training  on  The  Philosophy  of  Success  conducted  by  Human  Resources  Development  Fund,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaysia.

Iran,  Malaysia,  Jordan,  Turkey,  Singapore,  India,  Nepal,  Thailand